Archive | Pharmacology

Antihistamines: Uses and Effects | Drugs | Pharmacology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Pharmacokinetics of Antihistamines 2. Pharmacological Actions of Antihistamines 3. Therapeutic Uses 4. Adverse Effects. Currently more than 24 antihistamine drugs are available. All antihistamines are of potential value in the treatment of allergies and choice depends on their duration of action, incidence of sedation and anticholinergic actions. They are generally divided on [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:26+00:00April 7, 2017|Pharmacology|Comments Off on Antihistamines: Uses and Effects | Drugs | Pharmacology

Drugs Used for Lowering LDL Cholesterol | Drugs | Medical Science

In this essay we will discuss about the drugs used for lowering LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. 1. Statins (HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors): Lovastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin, fluvastatin, atrovastatin and rosuvastatin are the statins having similar mechanism of action and side effects. Statins act by inhibiting cellular cholesterol production, depleting the intracellular pool of cholesterol, and in consequence increasing the expression of LDL [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:26+00:00April 7, 2017|Pharmacology|Comments Off on Drugs Used for Lowering LDL Cholesterol | Drugs | Medical Science

Drugs Used for the Treatment of Oropharynx Infections | Pharmacology

In this article we will discuss about the drugs used for the treatment of oropharynx infections. 1. Mouthwashes, Gargles, and Dentifrices: Mouthwash solutions prevent oral infections and are commonly used in patients undergoing dental treatment, for clearing mucus or cleaning the oral ulcers. Thymol is a mild antiseptic and one tablet dissolved in warm water is adequate mouthwash solution for [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:26+00:00April 7, 2017|Pharmacology|Comments Off on Drugs Used for the Treatment of Oropharynx Infections | Pharmacology
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