Comparative account of four species of human infecting malarial parasite:

1. P. Vivax:

i. Geographical distribution:

In tropical, sub­tropical and war­mer temperate regions.

ii. Duration of pre-erythrocytic schizogony:

10-14 days

iii. No. of crypto- zoites formed per schizont:

10,000-12,000 (approx.)

iv. Incubation peri­od:

14 days

v. Duration of ery­throcytic schizo­gony:

2 days

vi. Form in peri­pheral blood during erythro­cytic schizo­gony:

Trophozoites, schizonts, and game- tocytes.


a. Ring form:

Size, 2.5 µm. Cytoplasm oppo­site the nucleus is thicker.

b. Growing form:

Irregular shape with a vacuole and actively amoe­boid in nature.


Size, 9-12 f/m. Regular, almost completely fills an enlarged RBC.


12-24; arranged in the form of a ‘rosette’ (usually in 2 rows).

Malarial pigments (haemozoin):

Yellowish brown; fine granules and rodlets.

Infected host RBC:

Enlarged, red Schuffner’s dots present.

Gametocytes RBC:

Spherical or globu­lar. Much larger than a RBC. Pigment gra­nules evenly distri­buted. Host cell en­larged with Schuff­ner’s dots.

Duration of sexu­al cycle:

10-14 days.

Type and effects of malarial fever:

Benign tertian. Death rate low.

2. P. Falciparum:

i. Geographical distribution:

In tropical, sub­tropical and war­mer temperate regions.

ii. Duration of pre-erythrocytic schizogony:

5-6 days

iii. No. of crypto- zoites formed per schizont:

40,000 (approx.)

iv. Incubation peri­od:

12 days

v. Duration of ery­throcytic schizo­gony:

1 ½ -2 days

vi. Form in peri­pheral blood during erythro­cytic schizo­gony:

Ring and cres­cents only. Growing tropho­zoites and schizonts rarely.


a. Ring form:

Size, 1.25-1.5 µm. Cytoplasm fine and regular in outline, often with two nuclei.

b. Growing form:

Compact form consisting of dark brown or black pigment granules and collect into a single mass at an early stage.


Size 4.5-5 µm. Fills 20/3 of a RBC.


8-18, arranged in a grape-like clus­ter.

Malarial pigments (haemozoin):

Dark brown or blackish. Coarse granules in a com­pact mass.

Infected host RBC:

Not enlarged, creation, reddish vio­let colour and Maurer’s dots seen.

Gametocytes RBC:

Saucer or crescentic in outline. Larger than a RBC. Host cell hardly recognisable. Pig­ment granules around nucleus.

Duration of sexu­al cycle:

10-12 days.

Type and effects of malarial fever:

Malignant tertian. Death rate high.

3. P. Malariae:

i. Geographical distribution:

In tropical and sub­tropical regions.

ii. Duration of pre-erythrocytic schizogony:

7-12 days

iii. No. of crypto- zoites formed per schizont:

2,000 (approx.)

iv. Incubation peri­od:

18-24 days

v. Duration of ery­throcytic schizo­gony:

3 days

vi. Form in peri­pheral blood during erythro­cytic schizo­gony:

Trophozoites, schizonts and gametocytes.


a. Ring form:

Same as P. vivax.

b. Growing form:

Assumes a band­ like appearance but slightly amoe­boid. Vacuole dis­appears at an early stage.


Size 6.5-7 µm. Regular, almost fills a normal sized RBC.


6-12; arranged around a central mass of pigment and giving the appearance of a “daisy head”.

Malarial pigments (haemozoin):

Dark brown to black. Abundant as coarse granules.

Infected host RBC:

Not enlarged, Ziemann’s dots on prolonged stai­ning seen.

Gametocytes RBC:

Round or ovoid. Host cell not en­larged. Pigment granules at center and periphery.

Duration of sexu­al cycle:

25-28 days.

Type and effects of malarial fever:



4. P. Ovale:

i. Geographical distribution:

Tropical Africa.

ii. Duration of pre-erythrocytic schizogony:

9 days

iii. No. of crypto- zoites formed per schizont:

15,000 (approx.)

iv. Incubation peri­od:

14 days

v. Duration of ery­throcytic schizo­gony:

2 days

vi. Form in peri­pheral blood during erythro­cytic schizo­gony:

Same as P. mala­riae.


a. Ring form:

Same as P. vivax.

b. Growing form:

Same as P. mala­riae.

The pigment gra­nules are coarse and dark brown in colour.


Size, 6.2 µm. Fills about three quar­ters of a RBC.


6-12; irregularly arranged.

Malarial pigments (haemozoin):

Dark yellowish brown; less abun­dant and coarse granules.

Infected host RBC:

Slightly enlarged, oval shape, fimbri­ated. Schuffner’s dots seen.

Gametocytes RBC:

Round or ovoid. Host cell slightly enlarged with James dots. Pig­ment granules evenly distribu­ted.

Duration of sexu­al cycle:

16 days.

Type and effects of malarial fever:

Ovale/mild tertian Severe.
