After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Selection of Climbers 2. Planting of Climbers 3. Maintenance.
Climbers are the group of plants which have weak stems and ability to climb up the support with the help of modified organs for sun light and air. Twiners differ from climbers in the way that they don’t possess such modified organs but twine around the support, cover it and reach the top.
Nature has equipped these climbers with different modified organs which help in climbing of the support. They are tendrils, (e.g. Antigonon leptopus, Bignonia gracilis, Pyrostegia uenusta, Clematis panniculata), thorns (e.g. Bougainuillea sp.; climbing Roses); roots and rootlets—(e.g. Campsis grandiflora, Ficus repens) by secreting sticky substances from growing points— Ficus repens.
Climbers and twiners are important group of plants which add beauty, colour in striking way or fragrance in gardens and artificial structures like wall, arches, pergola, pillars, cascades, topiary, etc. are well decorated with the help of climbers. Trees are also used to train the climbers and this enhances the beauty of garden manyfold.
Selection of Climbers:
There are different situations in the garden like sunny, partial shade and different structures according to which suitable types can be selected from an available wide choice.
The climbers for different situations are as follows:
(i) For sunny situation:
Pyrostegia uenusta, Quisqualis indica, Antigonon leptopus, Adenocalymma alliaceum, Bougainuillea sp., Campsis grandiflora etc.
(ii) For partial shade:
Clerodendrum splendens, Petrea uolubilis, Lonicera japonica, Trachelospermum jasminoides.
(iii) Heavy climbers:
These climbers produce luxuriant vegetative growth and grow very vigorously. They cover large area and are suitable for covering bigger area e.g. Antigonon leptopus, Bignonia magnifica, Beaumontia grandiflora, Bougainuillea sp. Hiptage benghalensis, Quisqualis indica, Wisteria sinensis, Pyrostegia venusta, Clerodendrum splendens.
(iv) Light climbers:
These climbers make sparse vegetative growth and remain light in spread. These climbers are suitable for limited spaces e.g. Lonicera japonica, Trachelospermum jasminoides, Clitoria ternatea.
(v) Climbers for fragrant flowers:
Jasminum grandiflorum, J. officinale, Trachelospermum jasminoides, Hiptage benghalensis, Clematis panniculata.
(vi) Climbers for pots:
Bougainuillea, Clitoria ternatea.
(vii) Making hedge:
Clerodendrum inerme and Bougainiuillea.
(viii) Indoor decoration:
Shade loving climbers like Pothos, Monstera deliciosa, Philodendron sp., Asparagus sp., etc. can be grown in pots and can be kept indoor also.
(ix) For screening:
Vernonia elegnaefolia, Pyrostegia uenusta.
(x) Annual climbers:
These are climbers which are seasonal in nature and can be grown temporarily. The examples are: Sweet pea, trailing nasturtium. There are woody climbers which can also be grown as annual like Ipomea lobata, Clitoria ternatea.
Planting of Climbers:
These climbers thrive well in any garden soil. The soil should be fertile, deep and good in water holding capacity and water drainage should be proper. For planting the climber, a pit measuring 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm should be dug and refilled with 10- 15 kg of well rotten farmyard manure and 4-5 ml/1 of chlorpyrophos.
The main planting season for evergreen climbers is July-September and February-March whereas deciduous climbers are planted during January-February. After planting regular watering should be done. Proper support should be provided at the time of planting. General training in first year is necessary to have the desired effect depending upon the kind and shape of support.
Maintenance of Climbers:
After planting the climbers, regular watering, weeding and hoeing are required which should be done. In case of any mortality, the gap filling should be done. During subsequent years, pruning of these climbers is essential to keep them in limit and desired shape.
General pruning consists of removal of dead wood and excessive growth. Heavy climbers need drastic pruning whereas light climbers require light pruning. General care should also be-taken to keep the climbers healthy and free from insects, pests or diseases.