This article throws light upon the three main standard sizes of plots. The sizes are: 1. Small Plots 2. Medium Plots 3. Large Plots.

1. Small Plots:

These plots are measuring 100,125 and 150 sq. yds. (Fig. 33.1). Making of gardens in such small plots is not possible. Owners prefer pucca ground in front and back sides which can be used for various purposes. Beautification is only possible with the help of pot plants. The selection of pot plants needs to be done judiciously.

Area of Small Plots

2. Medium Plots:

The plots measuring 200, 250 and 300 sq.yds. are grouped into medium category (Fig. 33.2). Generally, owners of plots of these dimensions also afford to leave only a small area for garden and prefer to make pucca flooring so that it can be used for parking vehicles or for sleeping in open.

Area of Medium Plots

There are, however, good numbers of owners who prefer to make gardens, whatever it is possible in the small area available. The making of lawn enhances the beauty of house. Planting of one or two specimen trees, shrubs and climbers in public access area break the monotony of concrete structures.

In the backyard, the planting of fruit trees like baramasi lime or guava or papaya or a grapevine along with few vegetables like radish, bhindi or bitter gourd, bottle gourd, etc. can be done. Cut flowers like gladiolus and chrysanthemum can add to aesthetic beauty and also serve the utility, Following is a detail of plots and area allowed for construction and planting.

In addition to the plan proposed, the pot plants can be kept in porch, drawing room and lobby to suit the individual’s likings.

The planting plan of 250 sq.yds. is shown in Fig. 33.3:

Plan for Medium Plots

3. Large Plots:

In this category, plots measure 400 and 500 sq.yds. (Fig. 33.4). From gardening viewpoint, these plots are also not very large to accommodate massive landscape plans, nevertheless, such plots can be beautified tastefully and the urge of gardening can be satisfied.

The standard dimensions showing covered and open area are as follows:

Area of Large Plots

The basic requirements of these categories are also similar to that of medium plot owners. However, more number of plants can be accommodated. A fairly large number of pots can be used to decorate interior and exterior. There may be several variations in selecting the plant material for various situations.

The details of landscape are given in Fig. 33.5:

Plan for Large Plots
