Here is an experiment to demonstrate osmosis in potatoes with the help of suitable diagram.

Materials Required:

1. Potato tuber

2. Petri dish, sugar solution, eosin solution, scalpel, pin etc.

Potato Osmoscope


1. Take a large potato tuber and then remove the skin, also slice off portions from all sides to give it the shape of a flat rectangle.

2. Scoop out carefully the tissues from the central portion of the tuber to make a clean deep hollow cup-like cavity.

3. Fill the cavity with sucrose solution and mark the level of the solution by a pin.

4. Place this osmoscope in a petri dish containing water with eosin dye.


Record the rise in the level of the solution in the cavity of the Osmoscope after 1 hr. or so.


The rise of level of solution is certainly due to the movement of water from the petri dish into the osmoscope by cell-to-cell osmosis.