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B Lymphocytes and the Immune Response (With Diagram)

Read this article to learn about B Lymphocytes and the Immune Response ! To understand how B lymphocytes are caused to se­crete antibodies during an immune response, let's consider a case in which a person acquires either a bacterial or viral infection. Two events must generally occur if B lymphocytes are to be activated (Fig. 25- 12). First, antigens present [...]

By |2015-08-27T15:55:28+00:00October 6, 2014|Articles|Comments Off on B Lymphocytes and the Immune Response (With Diagram)

Relationship between Monoclonal Antibodies and Hybridomas (With Diagram)

If cells taken from various clones of normal antibody- producing and secreting lymphocytes could be grown in culture, it would be possible to have ready sources of various antibodies at one's disposal. Unfortunately, laboratory cultures of normal lymphocytes grow very slowly or die out quickly. There is, however, an abnor­mal and cancerous form of lymphocyte called a myeloma cell that [...]

By |2015-08-27T15:56:11+00:00October 6, 2014|Articles|Comments Off on Relationship between Monoclonal Antibodies and Hybridomas (With Diagram)

Transplantation of Cell Nuclei and Experiment with Acetabularla

Transplantation of Cell Nuclei: In 1892, August Weissman proposed that cellular dif­ferentiation and specialization might be the conse­quence of the progressive loss of certain genes from a cell's genome during successive mitotic divisions. This hypothesis retained widespread acceptance for more than 50 years until a series of experiments carried out with amphibian egg cells indicated otherwise. The egg cells of [...]

By |2015-08-27T15:56:36+00:00October 6, 2014|Articles|Comments Off on Transplantation of Cell Nuclei and Experiment with Acetabularla
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