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Content-cum-Methodology in Teaching: Concept, Nature, Need and Steps

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Content-Cum-Methodology- Concept and Nature 2. Need and Importance of Content Cum-Methodology 3. Steps to Content-Cum-Methodology. Pedagogical shift has become a challenging task for the teachers. The teacher's pre-teaching processing on subject knowledge for teaching purpose can be called content-cum-methodology. Content-Cum-Methodology- Concept and Nature: The concept 'content-cum-methodology ' was first introduced by National [...]

By |2018-06-18T10:55:30+00:00June 18, 2018|Articles|Comments Off on Content-cum-Methodology in Teaching: Concept, Nature, Need and Steps

Why the Study of Arthropods is Necessary?

Get the answer of: Why the Study of Arthropods is Necessary? Academic Interest: Arthropods are many and they inhabit all sorts of environment. The study of these animals, therefore, can help the student to understand—What are the requirements of each kind of environ­ment and how can a living organism de­velop structural features to adjust with each way of life? The [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:56+00:00May 27, 2016|Articles|Comments Off on Why the Study of Arthropods is Necessary?

Role of Xanthones as MAO Inhibitors and CNS Depressants

Read this article to learn about the role of xanthones as MAO inhibitors and CNS depressants. 1, 6-Dihydroxyxanthone and 1, 3, 6-trihydroxyxanthone exhibited much potent inhibitory activi­ty toward rat brain mitochondrial MAO (type A). On the other hand, 1, 3, 7-trihydroxyxanthone showed great potency for inhibition of mouse liv­er mitochondrial MAO (type B). These results in­dicate that 1, 3, 6-trihydroxyxanthone [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:54:56+00:00May 2, 2016|Articles|Comments Off on Role of Xanthones as MAO Inhibitors and CNS Depressants
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