Archive | Life Cycle

Cyanophyta: Micro-cystic and Oscillatoria (With Diagrams)

Class: Cyanophyceae/Myxophyceae (i) The algae of class Cyanophyceae or Myxophyceae are commonly called 'blue green algae'. (ii) The thalli of this class are simple. These can be non-motile, unicellular forms or un-branched filaments. (iii) The cells are prokaryotic. The well differentiated nucleus surrounded by nuclear membrane is absent. (iv) The cell organelle like chloroplast, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum are absent. The [...]

By |2016-02-04T17:49:18+00:00February 4, 2016|Life Cycle|Comments Off on Cyanophyta: Micro-cystic and Oscillatoria (With Diagrams)

Chlorophyta: Class, Important Features and Orders

Chlorophyta: Class, Important Features and Orders! Class: Chlorophyceae: The class Chlorophyceae is commonly called as green algae. Chlorophyceae is very large group of algae and is represented by about 429 genera and 6500 species. Chlorophyceae are mainly fresh water algae (about 90 percent species are fresh water and 10 percent marine). Fresh water forms are common in ponds, pools, lakes, [...]

By |2016-02-04T17:49:18+00:00February 4, 2016|Life Cycle|Comments Off on Chlorophyta: Class, Important Features and Orders

Chlamydomonas: Position, Occurrence and Structure (With Diagrams)

In this article we will learn about Chlamydomonas. After reading this article we will learn about: 1. Systematic Position of Chlamydomonas 2. Occurrence of Chlamydomonas 3.Structure 4. Reproduction. Systematic Position of Chlamydomonas:  Occurrence of Chlamydomonas: Chlamydomonas is a large genus and is found almost in all places. It is represented by about 400 species (Prescott, 1969). Chlamydomonas is simple, unicellular, [...]

By |2016-02-04T17:49:18+00:00February 4, 2016|Life Cycle|Comments Off on Chlamydomonas: Position, Occurrence and Structure (With Diagrams)
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