Archive | Life Cycle

Quick Notes on Oedogoniales (With Diagrams) | Algae

Quick Notes on Oedogoniales! Introduction to Oedogoniales: Order: Oedogoniales (i) This order is essentially a group of fresh-water green algae. (ii) Members prefer to grow in quieter situations and shun flowing waters. (iii) They often occur attached by a special hold fast cell. (iv) Plant body is un-branched (Oedogonium) or branched (Oedocladium, Bulbochaete). Filaments are made up of uninucleate, cylindrical [...]

By |2016-02-04T17:49:17+00:00February 4, 2016|Life Cycle|Comments Off on Quick Notes on Oedogoniales (With Diagrams) | Algae

Quick Notes on Coleochaete | Algae

In this article we will learn about Coleochaete. After reading this article we will learn about:- 1. Systematic Position of Coleochaete 2. Occurrence of Coleochaete 3. Cell Structure 4. Reproduction 5. Life cycle. Systematic Position of Coleochaete: Occurrence of Coleochaete: The genus Coleochaete is the only representative of the family Coleochaetaceae. It is represented by about ten species of which [...]

By |2016-02-04T17:49:17+00:00February 4, 2016|Life Cycle|Comments Off on Quick Notes on Coleochaete | Algae

Hydrodictyon (With Diagrams)|Algae

In this article we will discuss about Hydrodictyon. After reading this article we will learn about:- 1. Systaematic Position of Hydrodictyon 2. Occurrence of Hydrodictyon 3. Thallus Structure 4. Cell Structure 5. Reproduction. Systaematic Position of Hydrodictyon: Occurrence of Hydrodictyon: Hydroclictyon, a non motile coenobium is macroscopic and beautiful alga. Due to its net like plant body, it is commonly [...]

By |2016-02-04T17:49:17+00:00February 4, 2016|Life Cycle|Comments Off on Hydrodictyon (With Diagrams)|Algae
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