In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Data 2. Classification of Data 3. Objectives.
Meaning of Data:
A set of values recorded for an event is called data. The data collected for statistical analysis do not consist of observations that are identical, they are variable in nature.
When a set of data is collected by personal investigation from the original source or by performing some experiment is called primary data.
When the data collected by some other sources and is used after some processing for further analysis then the data is called secondary data.
Classification of Data:
The data may be of two types such as:
(a) Qualitative Data:
The character of a population which cannot be numerically expressed such as colour of flower, nature of seed coat, etc., are called qualitative data.
(b) Quantitative Data:
The magnitude of any character which can be numerically measured is called quantitative data.
The quantitative data may be of two types:
(a) Continuous — When the values of variate do not exhibit any break, such as height of plant during growth.
(b) Discrete — When the values of variate vary by positive or negative jumps, such as the yield of rice in different plots after application of particular treatment or fertilizer application.
Main Objectives of Classification of Data:
1. To make proper use of raw data.
2. To make the study of data and comparison easier.
3. To put up the collected material to statistical treatment.
4. To simplify the complexities of raw data and make it possible to draw statistical inferences.
5. To give importance to the main information gathered while keeping aside the unnecessary information.