Read this article to learn about Extension Education. After reading article you will learn about: 1. Meaning of Extension Education 2. Features of Extension Education 3. Importance 4. Principles 5. Basic Philosophy.


  1. Meaning of Extension Education
  2. Features of Extension Education
  3. Importance of Extension Education
  4. Principles of Extension Education
  5. Basic Philosophy of Extension Education

1. Meaning of Extension Education:

(i) “Extension education is an applied behavioural science dealing with the desirable changes in the behavioural complex of human beings, through various strategies and programmes, by applying the latest scientific and technological innovations.”

(ii) J.P. Leagans is the father of extension education in India.

(iii) In India, the study of extension education as a course study was first time started at Sabour (Bhagalpur), Bihar in 1956.

2. Features of Extension Education:

(i) Participation is purely voluntary.

(ii) It is an informal education.

(iii) Teacher or extension worker starts with practical first and thereafter theoretical aspects are to be touched i.e. First Practical then theory.

(iv) There is no fixed curriculum or course of study.

(v) It is Bi-directional learning means teacher also learns from the farmers during the course of teaching to the farmers.

(vi) It is flexible.

(vii) Freedom to develop programmes locally.

(viii) It is based on the needs and expressed desires of the people.

(ix) It is continuous education i.e. throughout the life.

3. Importance of Extension Education:

(i) Extension uses democratic methods in educating the farmers.

(ii) Extension Helps in adoption of innovations.

(iii) Extension helps in studying and solving the rural problems.

(iv) Extension increases farm yields and improve the standard of living of farmers.

(v) Extension makes good communities better and progressive.

(vi) Extension contributes to national development programmes.

4. Principles of Extension Education:

(i) Principle of interest and need:

Means it is based on the needs and interests of the people.

(ii) Principle of cultural difference:

Based on the cultural background of the people.

(iii) Principle of participation.

(iv) Principle of adaptability:

Extension programmes should be flexible.

(v) The grass roots principle of organisation:

Means programmes fit in with the local conditions so that more and more people would participate.

(vi) The leadership principle:

Programme is based on full utilization of local leadership.

(vii) The whole-family principle:

Means programme is useful for all the members i.e. male, female and youth of the family.

(viii) Principle of co-operation:

Rural people cooperate with their village, block and state officials to pursue a common cause.

(ix) Principle of satisfaction:

Satisfaction is the key to success in extension work. A satisfied customer is the best advertisement.

(x) The evaluation principle:

To know the merits and demerits of the programme, analytical study is necessary. Therefore it needs constant evaluation.

5. Basic Philosophy of Extension Education:

(i) Self help.

(ii) People are the greatest resource.

(iii) Programme of change.

(iv) Cooperative effort.

(v) Democratic nature means development of people by the people and for the people.

(vi) Two channel of knowledge and experience:

(a) Problems: are brought to laboratory.

(b) Solutions: are taken to farmers /villagers.

(vii) Programme is based on creating interest by seeing and doing.

(viii) There is voluntarily cooperative participation.

(ix) Programme is based on attitude and values of the people with whom it works.
