Read this article to learn about Demonstration. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Meaning of Demonstration 2. Types of Demonstration.

Meaning of Demonstration:

(i) Demonstration means showing by doing. The basic principle of Demonstration is learning by seeing and doing.

(ii) The concept of demonstration was given by Dr. Seeman A. Knapp.

Types of Demonstration:

(i) Method Demonstration:

a. It is short-type demonstration.

b. Its main purpose is to provide only skill.

c. It does not compare between the old and new technique or skill. It means comparative study cannot be done.

d. It is the oldest form of teaching.

e. It is a single practice demonstration and used to show the technique of doing things or carrying out new practices, e.g. how to operate tractor, how to apply fertilizer in the field, preparing a nursery-bed, treating seed with pesticides, method of sowing, soil sampling, grafting fruit trees, etc.

f. Dr. Seeman A. Knapp is known as father of method demonstration.

g. In this demonstration, any process is shown and made clear to the people by doing in a sequence starting from the beginning to the end and zealous person is given opportunity for doing.

(ii) Result Demonstration:

a. This method is based on seeing by doing.

b. It is long type demonstration.

c. Comparison between two practices i.e. old and new is always done.

d. Results of both practices are shown.

e. It is very effective in adoption.

f. It is conducted by a farmer under direct supervision of an extension worker.

g. This method is used to show the superiority of practices, such as the use of fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, performance of high yielding varieties.

(iii). National Demonstrations:

a. National demonstrations are the “front-line demonstrations (FLDs)”, conducted by researchers on the farmers’ field.

b. It is a composite of both method and result demonstration.

c. The main objective is to show how production can be increased per unit area and per unit time.

d. Multiple cropping systems are usually followed and High yielding varieties (HYV) are used in this demonstration.

e. Such demonstrations were first initiated on a modest scale in 1965 by Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Audio Visual Aids

f. Motion pictures (movies):

Movies are an effective tool for arousing interest among the people. They are the most suitable medium for attracting bigger audience. A film show is followed by a discussion with the villagers.

g. Exhibitions:

An exhibition is a systematic display of information, actual specimens, models, posters, photographs, and charts, etc m a logical sequence.

h. Posters:

A poster should be 50 x 75 cm size or less.

i. Flannel-graphs:

It is graph adhered to thick flannel cloth fixed on a board. Flannel-graphs serve as a good teaching aid.

j. Flash cards:

Flash cards are a set of small compact cards, used for transmitting a unique idea viz. benefit of a smokeless chulha or the cultivation of hybrid maize etc. Keep only 10-12 flash cards for one discussion. For a group of 30-50 people use flesh cards of 15″ x 20″ (37.5 cm X 50 cm) each and for a small group (10-25 people), we can use flash cards of 10″ X 12″ size.

k. Puppets:

It is a media to communicate with farmers. Puppets are suitable for village people.

l. Slides:

A slide is a transparent picture or photograph in an individual mount, projected through slide projector.

m. Filmstrips:

These are a kind of slides depicting a single idea in the form of story, mounted and printed on a single length of 355mm strip film.

n. Bulletin boards:

It’s a kind of simple board serving the purpose of making announcements, displaying events of short duration.
