This article throws light upon the seven important types of agricultural statistics. The types are: 1. Elements of Statistics 2. Distribution 3. Skewness 4. Kurtosis 5. Correlation and Regression 6. Probability 7. Tests of Significance.

Agricultural Statistics: Type # 1. Elements of Statistics:

(a) Averages/Arithmetic Mean:

It is a figure obtained by dividing the sum of all variable by their total number of variables.

Properties of Arithmetic Mean:

1. Sum of deviation of items from the A.M. is always 0.

2. A.M. is affected by change in origin and scale.

Average, Definition and Uses

Agricultural Statistics: Type # 2. Distribution:

(a) Symmetrical Distribution: Mean = Median = Mode

(b) Asymmetrical distribution: [Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean]

(c) Moderate skewed distribution: Mean – mode = 3 (Mean – Median)

Agricultural Statistics: Type # 3. Skewness:

(a) The measures of the direction and degree of a asymmetry are called measure of skewness.


Agricultural Statistics: Type # 4. Kurtosis:


Agricultural Statistics: Type # 5. Correlation and Regression:

(a) Correlation:

To study the association or degree & deviation between two or more variables.

Properties of Correlation Coefficient:

1. It lies between -1 to +1, if it is 0; there is no relationship between variables.

2. It is geometric mean of two regression coefficient.

3. Independent of change of scale and origin of the variable.

(b) Regression:

To measure the average relationship between two or more variables.

Properties of Regression Coefficient:

1. The value of regression coefficient should not exceed 1 or equal.

2. It gives the cause and effect of relationship.

3. Regression coefficients are not symmetric.

4. Independent of change of origin but not of scale.

Agricultural Statistics: Type # 6. Probability:

a Probability refers to chance of happening or not happening of an event.

b. It is the science of Decision.

c. Probability = No. of favourable cases / Total no. of equally likely cases

d. If a card is drawn from a pack of cards, the probability of getting a king or queen is 2/13.

e. Probability ranges from 0 to 1.

Range of Different Statistical Elements

Agricultural Statistics: Type # 7. Tests of Significance:

