Tag Archives | Toxicology

Factors Affecting Toxicity | Toxicology

This article throws light upon the eight main factors affecting toxicity. The factors are: 1. Taxonomic Differences 2. Stage of Growth 3. Condition of Plant 4. Soil and Cultivation 5. Climatic Conditions 6. Part of the Plant 7. Use of Nitrogenous Fertilizers and Weedicides 8. Host Factors. Factor # 1. Taxonomic Differences: Even slightest differences in plant may reveal unexpected [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:27+00:00March 4, 2017|Toxicology|Comments Off on Factors Affecting Toxicity | Toxicology

List of Toxic Plants | Toxicology

Here is a list of twelve toxic plants having deleterious effect on animal health. They are: 1. Lantana Camara 2. Ipomea Carnea 3. Ipomea Batata 4. Nerium Indicum; Thevetia Nereifolia 5. Datura Stramonium; Datura Metel 6. Abrus Precatorius 7. Ricinus Communis 8. Strychnos Mux-Vomica 9. Sorghum Spp 10. Seleniferous Plants 11. Cyanogenic Plants 12. Oxalate Producing Plants. 1. Lantana Camara: [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:26+00:00March 4, 2017|Toxicology|Comments Off on List of Toxic Plants | Toxicology

Toxicity Caused by Use of Bacterial Toxins | Toxicology

After reading this article you will learn about the toxicity caused by use of bacterial toxins. Chiefly two types of toxins namely exotoxins (protein toxins) and endotoxins are produced by bacteria. Exotoxins are proteins excreted by bacteria in the growing medium. They are specific to tissues and cells, highly toxic, unstable at 60°C and highly antigenic. They can be converted [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:26+00:00March 4, 2017|Toxicology|Comments Off on Toxicity Caused by Use of Bacterial Toxins | Toxicology
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