Tag Archives | Toxicology

Toxicity Caused by Metals and Non Metals in Animals | Toxicology

After reading this article you will learn about various toxicity caused by metals and non metals in animals. 1. Arsenic Poisoning: Inorganic Arsenicals: Arsenic trioxide, arsenic pent-oxide, sodium and potassium arsenate, sodium and potassium arsenite and calcium and lead arsenate are included as inorganic arsenicals. Source: Pasture near smelters, paints, strong solution of lead arsenate- for animal dipping, milk from [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:28+00:00March 4, 2017|Veterinary Pharmacology|Comments Off on Toxicity Caused by Metals and Non Metals in Animals | Toxicology

Poisonous Plant: Definition and Principles | Toxicology

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Definition of a Poisonous Plant 2. Toxic Principles of Plants 3. Diagnostic Spot Tests for Plant Poisons. Definition of a Poisonous Plant: "A poisonous plant is one which as a whole or part thereof under all or certain conditions and in manner and in amount likely to be taken or brought [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:28+00:00March 4, 2017|Toxicology|Comments Off on Poisonous Plant: Definition and Principles | Toxicology

Essay on Veterinary Toxicology

After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Veterinary Toxicology 2. Scope of Veterinary Toxicology 3. Kinds of Poisons 4. Intoxication 5. No Effect Level 6. LD50 7. Toxicokinetics 8. Selective Poisons Selectivity 9. Mechanism of Action 10. Factors Modifying Toxicity 11. Metabolism of Foreign Chemicals 12. Diagnosis of Poisoning Cases 13. Line of Treatment of Poisoning [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:27+00:00March 4, 2017|Toxicology|Comments Off on Essay on Veterinary Toxicology
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