Tag Archives | Tissue Culture

Examples of Somaclonal Variation | Biotechnology

The following are the some of the examples of Somaclonal Variation: 1. Sugarcane 2. Potato 3. Tobacco 4. Rice 5. Barley. 1. Sugarcane: Application of somaclonal variation in crop improvement programme was established in sugarcane. The Hawaian Sugar Planters Association Experimental Station recorded genetic variation among sugarcane plants regenerated from tissue culture. Variations were recorded based on cytogenetic, morphological and [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:56+00:00December 23, 2016|Tissue Culture|Comments Off on Examples of Somaclonal Variation | Biotechnology

Mechanisms for Origin of Somaclonal Variation | Biotechnology

Several possible mechanisms are responsible for the origin of somaclonal variation. Number of processes can operate simultaneously in one culture. The mechanisms are: 1. Karyotypic Change 2. Chromosomal Rearrangement 3. Nucleotide Pool Imbalance 4. Cryptic Transposable Elements 5. Gene Amplification 6. Somatic Gene Rearrangement 7. Somatic Crossing Over. Mechanism # 1. Karyotypic Change: Several plants alter their chromosome number in [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:56+00:00December 23, 2016|Somaclonal Variations|Comments Off on Mechanisms for Origin of Somaclonal Variation | Biotechnology

Somaclonal Variation: Discovery and Application | Biotechnology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Discovery and Definition of Somaclonal Variation 2. Techniques to Generate Somaclonal Variations 3. Selection and Isolation 4. Screening 5. Applications. Discovery and Definition of Somaclonal Variation: Improvement of plants through alterations or additions of traits are some of the main objectives in plant biotechnology. Plant breeders have recognized the potential sources of [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:56+00:00December 23, 2016|Tissue Culture|Comments Off on Somaclonal Variation: Discovery and Application | Biotechnology
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