Tag Archives | Reproductive Biology

Patterns of Reproduction in Animals | Essay | Reproduction | Biology

Two basic patterns of reproduction have been observed among animals and these are asexual and sexual. In asexual reproduction an individual can give rise to daughter individuals by mitotic divisions of a part of its own body; no gametes are required. In sexual reproduction, genetically distinct two special sex cell called gametes, fuse to form one cell structure the zygote [...]

By |2017-03-21T07:34:52+00:00March 21, 2017|Reproduction|Comments Off on Patterns of Reproduction in Animals | Essay | Reproduction | Biology

Reproductive System in Humans | Essay | Humans | Reproductive Biology

In this essay we will discuss about the male and female reproductive system in humans. Essay on the Male Reproductive System: During the developmental stages, the gonads of the genetic male fetus are induced to differentiate into testes. The testes of the male secrete testosterone, which is responsible for differentiation and development of the urinogenital system characteristic of the male. [...]

By |2017-03-21T07:34:52+00:00March 21, 2017|Reproductive System|Comments Off on Reproductive System in Humans | Essay | Humans | Reproductive Biology

Reproductive Cycles of Mammals | Essay | Mammals | Reproductive Biology

In this essay we will discuss about the reproductive cycle of mammals. Reproductive Cycles of Mammals Essay Contents: Essay on the Reproductive Cycle in Chiroptera Essay on the Reproductive Cycle in Insectivora Essay on the Reproductive Cycle in Rodentia Essay on the Reproductive Cycle in Primates Essay # 1. Reproduction in Chiroptera: Patterns of Reproduction: Majority of the bats in [...]

By |2017-03-21T07:34:51+00:00March 21, 2017|Reproductive Cycles|Comments Off on Reproductive Cycles of Mammals | Essay | Mammals | Reproductive Biology
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