Tag Archives | Practicals

Fixatives, Stains and Staining Schedules

In this article we will discuss about the fixatives, stains and staining schedules used for anatomical studies of plant. Fixatives: A large number of chemicals such as ethyl alcohol, formalin, acetic acid, chloroform, mercuric chloride, chromic acid, picric acid, osmic acid, etc. are used singly or in combinations as fixatives for anatomical studies (For principle of fixation — see Cytology [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:39:58+00:00October 20, 2016|Plant Anatomy|Comments Off on Fixatives, Stains and Staining Schedules

Procedure for Examination of Drug Materials

In this article we will discuss about the procedure for examination of drug materials. A. For Examination of Powder Drugs: The colour, taste solubility and odour of the powder was examined at first. Then a small quantity was mounted in water or glycerine on a clean slide for microscopic examination. Sometimes, lactophenol can be used as mounted for clearing of [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:39:58+00:00October 20, 2016|Pharmacognosy|Comments Off on Procedure for Examination of Drug Materials

Microscopic Examination of Some Drug Materials

In this article we will discuss about the microscopic examination of some drug materials. 1. Swertia Chirayita (Family: Gentianaceae): Fragments of epidermal cells with cruciferous type of stomata, acicular crystals of calcium oxalate present in the cortical cells and in the mesophyll cells; some cortical cells contain resins, vessels having bordered pits on the walls. Morphology: Stem: About 6 mm [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:39:58+00:00October 20, 2016|Pharmacognosy|Comments Off on Microscopic Examination of Some Drug Materials
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