Archive | Plant Anatomy

Transverse Section of Petiole of Some Flowers | Plant Anatomy | Botany

In this article we will discuss about the transverse sections of petiole of some flowers:- 1. Cucurbita 2. Sunflower 3. Piper Betle 4. Waterlily. 1. Cucurbita: A transverse section through the petiole of Cucurbita shows the following anatomical fea­tures (Fig. 5.124): It is wavy in outline having distinct ridges and furrows and a large cavity at the centre. (i) Epidermis: [...]

By |2017-04-11T09:15:49+00:00April 11, 2017|Petioles|Comments Off on Transverse Section of Petiole of Some Flowers | Plant Anatomy | Botany

4 Common Types of Spore Found in Embryophytes | Plants

The following points highlight the four common types of spore found in embryophytes. The types are: 1. Isospore (n., pl. -s, syn. Homospore) 2. Heterospore (n., pl. -s; hetero- a Greek Prefix Meaning 'different', 'not normal') 3. Meiospore (n., pl. -s) 4. Miospore (n., pl. -s; in Greek Meion means 'less', 'smaller'). Type # 1. Isospore (n., pl. -s, syn. [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:04:00+00:00December 12, 2016|Plant Anatomy|Comments Off on 4 Common Types of Spore Found in Embryophytes | Plants

Symmetry of the Pollen and Spore Wall | Plants

In this article we will discuss about the symmetry of pollen and spore wall of plants. The term symmetry with relation to a pollen grain implies similarity of halves on either side of a median line or plane so far as aperture and ornamentation etc., are concerned. Most pollen and spores are symmetrical. As a rule, symmetric pollen and spores [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:55:55+00:00December 12, 2016|Plant Anatomy|Comments Off on Symmetry of the Pollen and Spore Wall | Plants
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