Tag Archives | Plant Biotechnology

Factors Affecting Micro-Propagation | Plants

The following points highlight the three main factors affecting micro-propagation. The factors are: 1. Genotype 2. Media 3. Cultural Conditions. Factor # 1. Genotype: Physiological conditions of the donor plants influence considerably in the process of morphogenesis. Larger sizes of the meristematic tissues are advantageous. Selecting juvenile parts of the plants yield better results than older ones. The most actively [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:57+00:00December 23, 2016|Micro-Propagation|Comments Off on Factors Affecting Micro-Propagation | Plants

Isolation of Plant Protoplast | Biotechnology

Generally, isolation of protoplast is categorized into mechanical and enzymatic. Also learn about the techniques involved in the isolation of leaf mesophyll protoplast. Mechanical Method: This method is crude and oldest method for protoplast isolation. It is only an historical perspective. It involves chopping and plasmolysis of tissues. Time consuming and low yield of protoplast are the main constraints in [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:57+00:00December 23, 2016|Protoplasts|Comments Off on Isolation of Plant Protoplast | Biotechnology

Fusion of Protoplast: 2 Methods | Biotechnology

Fusion of protoplasts can be accomplished by two distinct methods like chemical fusion and electro-fusion (Fig. 10.1). Earliest method known as mechanical fusion, where protoplasts are forced to fuse under applied pressure within the pipette. Protoplast in suspension can undergo spontaneous fusion in cultural conditions. Method # 1. Chemical Fusion of Protoplast: Chemicals such as sodium nitrate, polyethylene glycol and [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:57+00:00December 23, 2016|Protoplasts|Comments Off on Fusion of Protoplast: 2 Methods | Biotechnology
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