Tag Archives | Plant Biotechnology

Micro-Propagation of Ornamentals and Tree Species | Biotechnology

Plant propagation is carried out by sexual or asexual mode of life cycles. The asexual or vegetative reproduction produces genetically identical plants. Multiplication of several horticulturally important crops follows vegetative methods. Production of genetically identical plant cultivars by asexual method is called clonal propagation and genetically identical indiĀ­viduals derived from a single individual by asexual mode referred as clone. Contrast [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:57+00:00December 23, 2016|Micro-Propagation|Comments Off on Micro-Propagation of Ornamentals and Tree Species | Biotechnology

Techniques of Protoplast Culture | Biotechnology

The following points highlight the nine main techniques of protoplast culture. The techniques are: 1. Agar Plating Method 2. Micro-Chamber 3. Nurse Culture 4. Immobilization of Protoplast 5. Nutrient Requirement 6. Growth Regulators 7. Cultural Conditions 8. Cell Wall Regeneration 9. Regeneration. Technique # 1. Agar Plating Method: Protoplast can be cultured conveniently by using agar plating method. Two millilitres [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:57+00:00December 23, 2016|Protoplast Culture|Comments Off on Techniques of Protoplast Culture | Biotechnology

Organization of Chloroplast DNA | Biotechnology

Structural organization of chloroplast is signified by the presence of double membrane envelope and soluble phase, the stroma, and an internal membrane system, the thylakoids. Both thylakoid and stromal systems are committed for light reaction and carbon dioxide fixation respectively. Chloroplast attains diversified shapes. Higher plants exhibit lens shaped chloroplasts in their cytosol. The size measures anywhere between 5 and [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:57+00:00December 23, 2016|Chloroplasts|Comments Off on Organization of Chloroplast DNA | Biotechnology
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