Tag Archives | Parasitic Protozoa

Life Cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense | Parasitic Protozoa

In this article we will discuss about the life cycle of trypanosoma gambiense. Trypanosoma gambiense is digenetic; i.e., it completes its life cycle in two hosts. The primary or definitive host is man. The mammals, like pigs, buffaloes, antelopes often act as reservoir hosts harbouring the parasite. The intermediate host is blood sucking insect called tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis). Life [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:17+00:00November 5, 2016|Protozoan Cell|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense | Parasitic Protozoa

Human Infecting Malarial Parasite | Sporozoa

Comparative account of four species of human infecting malarial parasite: 1. P. Vivax: i. Geographical distribution: In tropical, sub­tropical and war­mer temperate regions. ii. Duration of pre-erythrocytic schizogony: 10-14 days iii. No. of crypto- zoites formed per schizont: 10,000-12,000 (approx.) iv. Incubation peri­od: 14 days v. Duration of ery­throcytic schizo­gony: 2 days vi. Form in peri­pheral blood during erythro­cytic schizo­gony: [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:16+00:00November 5, 2016|Malaria|Comments Off on Human Infecting Malarial Parasite | Sporozoa

Life Cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about the life cycle of trypanosoma gambiense. Trypanosoma gambiense is digenetic; i.e., it completes its life cycle in two hosts. The primary or definitive host is man. The mammals, like pigs, buffaloes, antelopes often act as reservoir hosts harbouring the parasite. The intermediate host is blood sucking insect called tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis). Life [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:16+00:00November 5, 2016|Parasitic Protozoa, Protozoan Cell|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense (With Diagram)
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