Tag Archives | Industrial Microbiology

Sausage Fermentation: Process, Production and Commercial Cultures | Industrial Microbiology

In this article we will discuss about the Sausage Fermentation:- 1.Process of Sausage Fermentation 2. Commercial Cultures of Sausage Organisms 3. Action of Sausage Organisms 4. Inhibition of Staphylococci in Sausage Fermentation 5. Economical Production of Sausage. Contents: Process of Sausage Fermentation Commercial Cultures of Sausage Organisms Action of Sausage Organisms Inhibition of Staphylococci in Sausage Fermentation Economical Production of [...]

By |2018-10-29T15:53:43+00:00October 29, 2018|Sausage Fermentation|Comments Off on Sausage Fermentation: Process, Production and Commercial Cultures | Industrial Microbiology

Public Health Aspects of Cheese | Industrial Microbiology

When pathogen-free milk, an active lactic starter culture, and good hy­gienic practices are used to produce cheese, a safe food results. If the cheese is then handled and distributed in a sanitary manner, this food will be safe for consumption. When one considers the many millions of pounds of cheese that are produced annually worldwide and the few cases of [...]

By |2018-10-29T15:53:43+00:00October 29, 2018|Cheese|Comments Off on Public Health Aspects of Cheese | Industrial Microbiology

How to Make Cottage Cheese? | Industrial Microbiology

In this article we will discuss about the methods and procedures to make cottage cheese. Learn about:- 1. Cottage Cheese Meaning 2. Manufacturing Methods of Cottage Cheese 3. Methods for Determining Proper Cutting Time 4. Cottage Cheese Dressing 5. Yield of Cottage Cheese 6. Defects in Cottage Cheese. Contents: Cottage Cheese Meaning Manufacturing Methods of Cottage Cheese Methods for Determining [...]

By |2018-10-29T15:53:43+00:00October 29, 2018|Cottage Cheese|Comments Off on How to Make Cottage Cheese? | Industrial Microbiology
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