Tag Archives | Human

10 Varieties of Connective Tissues (With Diagram) | Human Body | Biology

The following points highlight the ten main varieties of connective tissues of human body. They are: 1. Areolar Tissue 2. Adipose Tissue 3. White Fibrous Tissue 4. Yellow Elastic Tissue 5. Reticular Tissue 6. Blood and Haemopoietic Tissue 7. Cartilage 8. Jelly-Like Connective Tissue 9. Osseous Tissue or Bone 10. Reticulo-Endothelial Tissue. 1. Areolar Tissue: Distribution: (a) In the subcutaneous [...]

By |2017-07-24T10:56:49+00:00July 24, 2017|Connective Tissues|Comments Off on 10 Varieties of Connective Tissues (With Diagram) | Human Body | Biology

Process of Ossification in Human Body | Connective Tissues | Biology

Development of bone begins from mesoderm in the embryonic life (from sixth week) and a good number of bones of the human body continue to grow until a person reaches about twenty-fifth years. There are two processes of ossification-intramembranous and intracartilaginous (endochondral). The bones of the cranial vault and the mandible are membranous in origin. The bones of the limbs, [...]

By |2017-07-24T10:56:49+00:00July 24, 2017|Ossification|Comments Off on Process of Ossification in Human Body | Connective Tissues | Biology

Factors Controlling Calcification of Bones | Tissues | Human | Biology

In this article we will discus about the factors controlling calcification of bones in humans. Also learn about the proportion of inorganic compounds in bone. i. Protein constituent of the cartilage has got affinity towards Ca++ and adsorbs calcium readily. However this favours the deposition of calcium as tricalcium phosphate. ii. Reduction of protein concentration in the blood and also [...]

By |2017-07-24T10:56:48+00:00July 24, 2017|Bones Calcification|Comments Off on Factors Controlling Calcification of Bones | Tissues | Human | Biology
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