Tag Archives | Human

Bone Cells: 3 Main Types of Bone Cells (With Diagram) | Human | Biology

There are three types of bone cells present in human body: 1. Osteo­blast 2. Osteocyte 3. Osteoclast. Bone Cell # 1. Osteoblast: This is concerned with bone formation and is found in the growing surface where the bony matrix is deposited. This cell is strongly baso­philic and cuboidal or pyramidal in shape and its nucleus is large with a single [...]

By |2017-07-24T10:56:48+00:00July 24, 2017|Bone Cells|Comments Off on Bone Cells: 3 Main Types of Bone Cells (With Diagram) | Human | Biology

Cardiac Muscle: Development and Histology | Tissues | Human | Biology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Origin and Development of Cardiac Muscle 2. Histology of Cardiac Muscle 3. Fine Structure 4. Blood Vessels, Lymphatics and Nerves 5. Metabolism. Origin and Development of Cardiac Muscle: Cardiac muscles in the embryo are originated from the mesenchymal tissue. They are formed of the splanchnopleure adjoining the endothelium of the cardiac primordium. [...]

By |2017-07-24T10:56:48+00:00July 24, 2017|Cardiac Muscle|Comments Off on Cardiac Muscle: Development and Histology | Tissues | Human | Biology

Translocation in Humans | Genetics

In this article we will discuss about the translocation in humans. Interchanges are the most common structural chromosome changes reported in human. Partial sterility in interchange heterozygotes is infrequent due to the production of balanced gametes and as a result, interchanges in human are identifiable only through the analysis of karyotype, usually coupled with chromosome banding patterns. Various kinds of [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:51:00+00:00July 12, 2016|Chromosome Structure|Comments Off on Translocation in Humans | Genetics
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