Tag Archives | Genes

Genetic Evolution of Species | Cell Biology

In this article we will discuss about the Introduction and Present Status of Genetic Evolution of Species. Introduction to Genetic Evolution of Species: The concept of 'organic evolution' envisages that all the living forms of today developed from a common ancestor. That is, the various life forms are related by descent, which accounts for the similarities among them. The idea [...]

By |2016-07-14T18:34:48+00:00July 14, 2016|Species|Comments Off on Genetic Evolution of Species | Cell Biology

4 Main Theories of Genetic Evolution | Cell Biology

The following points highlight the four main theories of genetic evolution. The theories are: 1. Lamarckism 2. Darwinism 3. Mutation Theory 4. Synthetic Theory. Genetic Evolution: Theory # 1. Lamarckism: This theory was propounded by Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829), a French biologist, through his numerous writings. There are four postulates of this theory as listed below: i. Living organisms and their [...]

By |2016-07-14T18:34:48+00:00July 14, 2016|Genetics|Comments Off on 4 Main Theories of Genetic Evolution | Cell Biology

Study Notes on Linkage of Genes

The below mentioned article provides a study note on the Linkage of Genes. When Mendel's work was rediscovered, thousands of experiments were conducted by the early biologists on the diverse groups of plants and animals. The results obtained in those cases were quite contrary to the principles of independent assortment, but none of the interpretations was good enough to justify [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:58+00:00July 12, 2016|Gene|Comments Off on Study Notes on Linkage of Genes
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