Tag Archives | Gene Mutation

Short Notes on Gene Mutation | Genetic Code

The below mentioned article provides a short note on gene mutation. Type of Gene Mutation: An alteration in the sequence of bases in a gene due to change, removal or insertion of one or more bases in a gene resulting in an altered gene product is called mutation. (a) Single Base Changes (Point Mutations): It may be transitions or trans-versions. [...]

By |2016-07-30T17:19:27+00:00July 30, 2016|Mutations|Comments Off on Short Notes on Gene Mutation | Genetic Code

Quick Notes on Gene Mutation

Here is a compilation of notes on Gene Mutation. After reading these notes you will learn about: 1. Introduction to Gene Mutation 2. Origin of Gene Mutation 3. Effects 4. Direction 5. Types 6. Induction 7. Molecular Basis 8. Detection 9. Importance. Contents: Notes on Introduction to Gene Mutation Notes on the Origin of Gene Mutation Notes on the Effects [...]

By |2016-07-14T18:35:13+00:00July 14, 2016|Mutations|Comments Off on Quick Notes on Gene Mutation
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