Tag Archives | Experiments

Experiments on Transpiration in Plants | Botany

List of top nine experiments on transpiration in plants:- 1. Measurement of Leaf Area 2. Demonstration of Transpirational Water Loss by Potometers 3. Determination of the Rate of Transpiration by Simple Method (Conical Flask Method) 4. Determination of the Rates of Stomatal and Cuticular Transpiration and a few others. Experiment # 1. Measurement of Leaf Area: The loss of water [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:02+00:00October 20, 2016|Transpiration in Plants|Comments Off on Experiments on Transpiration in Plants | Botany

Experiments on Photosynthesis in Plants | Botany

List of top thirteen experiments on photosynthesis in plants:- 1. Simple Demonstration 2. Demonstration of Hill Reaction 3. Demonstration of Essentiality of Different Environmental Factors for Photosynthetic Process 4. Effect of CO2 Concentration on Photosynthesis 5. Study of the Effect of Monochromatic Light on Photosynthesis and a few others. Experiment # 1. Simple Demonstration: Photosynthesis is a combination of biophysical [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:01+00:00October 20, 2016|Photosynthesis in Plants|Comments Off on Experiments on Photosynthesis in Plants | Botany

Experiments on Plant Tissue Culture

List of top two experiments on plant tissue culture:- 1. Isolation of Explants, Establishment and Maintenance of Callus 2. Culture of Anthers and the Establishment of Haploid Plants. Experiment # 1. Isolation of Explants, Establishment and Maintenance of Callus: Explants isolated from the tissues of higher plants are brought into culture. It requires a nutrient medium consisting of a mineral [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:01+00:00October 20, 2016|Plant Tissue Culture|Comments Off on Experiments on Plant Tissue Culture
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