Tag Archives | Experiments

Experiment on Protoplasm and Plasma Membrane | Botany

Here is an experiment to demonstrate the living nature of protoplasm and plasma membrane. All living organisms are composed of the essential living substance, 'Protoplasm', which is a jelly-like colloidal substance confined within small chambers called 'Cells'. The protoplasm undergoes a series of chemical changes that regulates the entire cellular activity. The major characteristic features of living system is expressed [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:03+00:00October 20, 2016|Experiments|Comments Off on Experiment on Protoplasm and Plasma Membrane | Botany

Experiments on Upward Translocation of Water | Plants

List of top two experiments on upward translocation of water by plants:- 1. Simple Demonstration of 'Ascent of Sap' 2. Determination of Suction Pressure Developed Due to Transpiration Pull. Experiment # 1. Simple Demonstration of 'Ascent of Sap': Absorption and subsequent translocation of water through conductive tissues is a vital process in plant life. By far the largest proportion of [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:03+00:00October 20, 2016|Experiments|Comments Off on Experiments on Upward Translocation of Water | Plants

Experiments on Mineral Nutrition in Plants | Botany

List of top two experiments on mineral nutrition in plants:- 1. Detection of Essentiality of Mineral Elements 2. Determination of Ionic Accumulation (Chloride) in Plant Cells. Experiment # 1. Detection of Essentiality of Mineral Elements: On the basis of various experimental observations it has been noticed that a number of mineral elements are necessary for plant growth and development. They [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:02+00:00October 20, 2016|Experiments|Comments Off on Experiments on Mineral Nutrition in Plants | Botany
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