Tag Archives | Experiment

Top 10 Experiments on Plants (With Diagram)

Are you researching on experiments on Plants ? You are in the right place. The below mentioned article includes a collection of ten experiments on plants: 1. Plant Pigment Distribution 2. Ascent of Sap in Plants 3. Guttation in Plants 4. Transpiration in Plants 5. Mineral Nutrition in Plants 6. Photosynthesis 7. Respiration in Plants 8. Growth Rate in Plants [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:49:04+00:00October 20, 2016|Experiments|Comments Off on Top 10 Experiments on Plants (With Diagram)

Experiments on Permeability | Chemistry

The below mentioned article includes a list of three experiments on permeability. 1. Experiment to study the rates of penetration (permeability) of various organic solvents into living epidermal cells: Requirements: Onion bulbs, slides, cover slip, microscope, water, stop watch, glucose, sucrose, glycerol, methyl alcohol, tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA). Method: 1. Take an onion bulb and peel off a large segment [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:49:04+00:00October 20, 2016|Experiments|Comments Off on Experiments on Permeability | Chemistry

Experiments on Enzyme Activity | Biochemistry

The below mentioned article includes a collection of seven experiments on enzyme activity. 1. Experiment to demonstrate the activity of enzymes: Requirements: Benzidine solution, razor, thin sections of actively growing root (or germinating seeds or germinating pollen grains), phosphate buffer, hydrogen peroxide (1%), ammonium chloride (5%), starch paste. Method, observations and results: 1. Cut thin sections of fast-growing roots or [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:49:04+00:00October 20, 2016|Experiments|Comments Off on Experiments on Enzyme Activity | Biochemistry
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