Tag Archives | Ecosystem

Steps Involved in Nitrogen Cycle | Ecology

The following points highlight the six main steps involved in nitrogen cycle. The steps are: 1. Nitrogen Fixation 2. Nitrogen Assimilation 3. Ammonification 4. Nitrification 5. Denitriflcation 6. Sedimentation. Nitrogen Cycle: Step # 1. Nitrogen Fixation: Conversion of free nitrogen of atmosphere into the biologically acceptable form or nitrogenous compounds is referred to as nitrogen flxation. This process is of [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:08:25+00:00September 16, 2016|Nitrogen Cycle|Comments Off on Steps Involved in Nitrogen Cycle | Ecology

Top 4 Categories of Forest Biomes in India | Ecology

The following points highlight the top four categories of forest biomes in India. The categories are: 1. Tropical Rain Forests 2. Tropical Deciduous Forests 3. Temperate Broad-Leaf Forests 4. Temperate Coniferous Forests. Forest Biomes: Category # 1. Tropical Rain Forests: The tropical rain forest makes an important biome across the earth as a whole. Tropical rain forests have high rainfall, [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:08:23+00:00September 16, 2016|India|Comments Off on Top 4 Categories of Forest Biomes in India | Ecology

Top 6 Types of Natural Ecosystems | Ecology

The following points highlight the top six types of natural ecosystems. The types are: 1. Forests 2. Grasslands 3. Wetlands 4. Mangroves 5. Coral Reefs 6. Deserts. Natural Ecosystem: Type # 1. Forests: India is endowed with diverse forest types ranging from the tropical wet evergreen forests in North-Eastern to the tropical thorn forests in the Central and Western India. [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:08:21+00:00September 16, 2016|Ecosystem|Comments Off on Top 6 Types of Natural Ecosystems | Ecology
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