Tag Archives | Ecosystem

3 Main Components of Biosphere

The following points highlight the three main components of biosphere. The components are: 1. Hydrosphere 2. Atmosphere 3. Lithosphere. Components # 1. Hydrosphere: It includes water in the oceans, lakes, ponds, etc., and covers about 73% area of the earth's surface. Water is the major inorganic nutrient needed by all living organisms, hence, water is essential to all life. First [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:08:31+00:00September 16, 2016|Ecosystem|Comments Off on 3 Main Components of Biosphere

4 Main Types of Mineral Cycle | Ecology

The following points highlight the four main types of mineral cycle. The types are: 1. Oxygen Cycle 2. Water Cycle 3. Phosphorus Cycle 4. Sulphur Cycle. Type # 1. Oxygen Cycle: Oxygen, like carbon, is another essential element for the construction of living body and it is also needed for various life processes like respiration. Oxygen constitutes nearly 21 per [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:08:29+00:00September 16, 2016|Mineral Cycle|Comments Off on 4 Main Types of Mineral Cycle | Ecology

8 Major Biomes of the World | Ecology

The following points highlight the eight major biomes of the world. The biomes are: 1. Tundra 2. Northern Conifer Forest 3. Temperate Deciduous Forests 4. Tropical Rain Forest 5. Chapparal 6. Tropical Savannah 7. Grassland 8. Desert. Biome # 1. Tundra: The literal meaning of word Tundra is north of the timberline. The tundra extends above 60°N latitude. It is [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:08:27+00:00September 16, 2016|Biomes|Comments Off on 8 Major Biomes of the World | Ecology
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