Tag Archives | Drugs

Classification of Purgatives | Drugs | Pharmacology

In this article we will discuss about the classification of purgatives that are used to treat the diseases of gastrointestinal system. These are the drugs, which loosen the bowel and cause its evacuation. Purgatives, as a rule are not the treatment for constipation. The use of purgatives can only be justified in select conditions such as drug induced constipation, after [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:26+00:00April 7, 2017|Pharmacology|Comments Off on Classification of Purgatives | Drugs | Pharmacology

Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Disease | Essay | Medical Science

In this essay we will discuss about the drugs used for the treatment of chronic inflammatory disease:- 1. Corticosteroids 2. 5-Amino Salicylates (ASA) Compounds 3. Immunosuppressants 4. Antibacterial Drugs. 1. Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are used to produce remission in both disorders. Prednisolone is given orally until the disease remits, then it is reduced stepwise. Alternatively budesonide, a retarded-release steroid, may be [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:26+00:00April 7, 2017|Medical Science|Comments Off on Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Disease | Essay | Medical Science

Treating the Diseases of Autonomic Nervous System | Essay | Medical Science

In this essay we will discuss about the drugs used for treating the diseases of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Essay # 1. Drugs Used for Treating the Diseases of Sympathetic Nervous System: 1. Sympathomometic Drugs: Sympathomimetic drugs have effects similar to those produced by activity of sympathetic nervous system. However, drugs differ quantitatively in responses on the two adrenergic [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:26+00:00April 7, 2017|Medical Science|Comments Off on Treating the Diseases of Autonomic Nervous System | Essay | Medical Science
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