Tag Archives | DNA

DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid): Structure and Functions

In this article we will discuss about the Structure and Functions of DNA. Structure of DNA: DNA or deoxyribose nucleic acid is a helically twisted double chain polydeoxyribonucleotide macromolecule which constitutes the genetic material of all organisms with the exception of riboviruses. In prokaryotes it occurs in nucleoid and plasmids. This DNA is usually circular. In eukaryotes, most of the [...]

By |2016-08-17T17:19:10+00:00August 17, 2016|DNA|Comments Off on DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid): Structure and Functions

Project Report on DNA

An exclusive project report on DNA. This project report will help you to learn about: 1. Introduction to DNA 2. Constituents of DNA 3. Molecular Structure 4. Forms 5. DNA as the Genetic Material 6. DNA Content 7. Unique and Repetitive DNA. Contents: Project Report on Introduction to DNA Project Report on the Constituents of DNA Project Report on the [...]

By |2016-07-14T18:35:13+00:00July 14, 2016|DNA|Comments Off on Project Report on DNA

2 Main Types of Organellar DNA | Cell Biology

The following points highlight the two main types of organellar DNA in cell. The types are: 1. Chloroplast DNA (cp DNA) 2. Mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA). Organellar DNA: Type # 1. Chloroplast DNA (cp DNA): Each chloro­plast contains 20-200 copies of a circular double stranded DNA molecule, which may also be lin­ear as found in maize, cp DNA is characterized [...]

By |2016-07-14T18:35:08+00:00July 14, 2016|DNA|Comments Off on 2 Main Types of Organellar DNA | Cell Biology
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