Tag Archives | Cytogenetics

2 Main Causes of Ploids (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the two main causes of ploids. The causes are: 1. Aneuploidy 2. Euploidy. Ploids: Cause # 1. Aneuploidy: The individuals carrying chrornosome numbers other than somatic or diploid (2n), which are not true multiples of basic chromosome number or genome are called heteroploids or aneuploids. Thus aneuploidy results due to an addition of loss of less [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:57+00:00July 12, 2016|Chromosome Number|Comments Off on 2 Main Causes of Ploids (With Diagram)

Lecture Notes on Genetic Engineering

Subject Matter of Genetic Engineering: DNA is a genetic material which contains all hereditary information needed to create an organism. DNA actually does not make organism, it only makes proteins. DNA is transcribed into mRNA and mRNA is translated into protein and the protein then forms organism. The specific regions on the DNA molecule that direct the synthesis of proteins [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:57+00:00July 12, 2016|Genetic Engineering|Comments Off on Lecture Notes on Genetic Engineering

Controversies and Hazards of Genetic Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the Controversies and Hazards of Genetic Engineering. Although recombinant DNA technology has played tremendous roles in many aspects, yet it may bring ecological catastrophs and disturb balance of nature. It is difficult to assess the nature's destruction in ones' lifetime. It is beyond man's control as it has vast transformational potential. Sometimes genetic [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:57+00:00July 12, 2016|Genetic Engineering|Comments Off on Controversies and Hazards of Genetic Engineering
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