Tag Archives | Culture

Preservation of Cultures in an Organism

A pure culture of an organism is a valuable asset and it deserves to be preserved for future. Normally, the cultures which are of daily use are grown in agar slants and kept in the refrigerator. When required, a loopful of growth is transferred to fresh agar or broth and the organisms are allowed to grow in an incubator. For [...]

By |2016-08-31T15:42:02+00:00August 31, 2016|Culture|Comments Off on Preservation of Cultures in an Organism

Culture of Flower, Ovary, Ovule, Seed and Nucellus | Plant Tissue Culture

In this article we will discuss about the Culture of Different Parts of Plants:- 1. Culture of Flower 2. Culture of Ovary 3. Culture of Ovule 4. Culture of Seed 5. Culture of Nucellus. Culture of Flower: Angiosperm flowers were first cultured by Larue ('42). He noted some growth of ovaries and rooting. Complete flowers of several dicots were successfully [...]

By |2016-07-27T10:52:03+00:00July 27, 2016|Tissue Culture|Comments Off on Culture of Flower, Ovary, Ovule, Seed and Nucellus | Plant Tissue Culture

Culture of Microorganisms: 5 Steps

The following points highlight the five main steps for culture of microorganisms. The steps are: 1. Preparation of Media 2. Adjustment of pH of Media 3. Preparation of Stabs and Slants 4. Pouring of Plates 5. Inoculation of Bacteria in Nutrient Slants and Agar Plates. Step # 1. Preparation of Media: Principle: In preparing a culture medium for any microorganism, [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:41+00:00May 16, 2016|Culture|Comments Off on Culture of Microorganisms: 5 Steps
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