Tag Archives | Cell Suspension Culture

2 Main Types of Suspension Culture | Biotechnology

The following points highlight the two main types of suspension culture. The types are: 1. Batch Culture 2. Continuous Culture.  Type # 1. Batch Culture: A batch culture is a cell suspension culture grown in a fixed volume of nutrient cul­ture medium, cell suspension increases in biomass by cell division and cell growth until a factor in the cultural environment [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:32+00:00November 2, 2016|Biotechnology|Comments Off on 2 Main Types of Suspension Culture | Biotechnology

Top 5 Utility of Suspension Culture | Biotechnology

The following points highlight the top five utility of suspension culture. The utilities are: 1. Source of Secondary Metabolites 2. Biotransformation 3. Source of Somatic Embryos and Cell Line 4. Source of Protein 5. Mutant Production and its Use. Utility # 1. Source of Secondary Metabolites: Cell suspension cultures have been shown to produce a number of valuable secon­dary metabolites, [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:32+00:00November 2, 2016|Biotechnology|Comments Off on Top 5 Utility of Suspension Culture | Biotechnology

Cell Suspension Culture: Meaning, Methods and Significance | Tissue Culture

In this article we will discuss about the Cell Suspension Culture:- 1. Meaning of Cell Suspension Culture 2. Initiation of Cell Suspension Culture 3. Medium 4. Aeration 5. Significance. Meaning of Cell Suspension Culture: Cell suspension culture is the culture of cells or cell aggregates dispersed in a moving liquid medium. Batcher and Ingram ('76) noted that all suspension cultures [...]

By |2016-07-27T10:51:15+00:00July 27, 2016|Tissue Culture|Comments Off on Cell Suspension Culture: Meaning, Methods and Significance | Tissue Culture
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