The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between dicotyledonous stem and monocotyledonous stem.
Difference # Dicotyledonous Stem:
1. Internally it is differentiated into epidermis, cortex and stele.
2. Epidermis it bears hairs that are usually multicellular.
3. Cortex the peripheral layers, i.e. hypodermis are generally collenchymatous.
4. The rest of cortex bears nonvascular tissues.
5. The innermost layer of cortex is endodermis.
6. Below endodermis there occurs the pericycle.
7. The stele is commonly siphonostele, dictyostele where the vascular bundles are arranged more or less in a ring around central pith.
8. The vascular bundles are more or less uniform in size.
9. Each vascular bundle is commonly collateral open and occasionally bicollateral open, i.e. cambium is present in between xylem and phloem.
10. Usually a sclerenchymatous bundle cap occurs over each vascular bundle.
11. The proto- and metaxylem vessels are arranged in rows.
12. There is no protoxylem lacuna.
13. In the phloem elements parenchyma is present.
14. In between the vascular bundles there occurs the medullary rays.
Difference # Monocotyledonous Stem:
1. It is differentiated into epidermis and ground tissue where vascular bundles appear to be embedded.
2. Usually epidermis is smooth and sometimes interrupted by stoma.
3. Ground tissue the peripheral layers, i.e. the hypodermis, are composed of either sclerenchyma or sclerified parenchyma.
4. In the rest of ground tissues vascular bundles are present.
5. There exists no such endodermal layer.
6. No such layer like pericycle exists.
7. The stele is atactostele, i.e. the vascular bundles are scattered in the ground tissue where there is no formation of pith.
8. The vascular bundles are of different sizes, the smaller ones being restricted to the peripheral side.
9. Each vascular bundle is collateral and closed, i.e. cambium is absent.
10. Generally each vascular bundle is encircled by a sclerenchymatous bundle sheath.
11. The proto- and metaxylem are arranged in the form of capital ‘Y’.
12. Usually a protoxylem lacuna is formed.
13. In phloem elements parenchyma is lacking.
14. Ground tissue exists between the two vascular bundles.