The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between dicotyledonous root and monocotyledonous root.

Difference # Dicotyledonous Root:

1. Epidermis is single layered.

2. Cortex is composed of parenchyma cells only.

3. Pericycle gives rise to a portion of vascular cambium that gives rise to secondary vascular tissues and phellogen—the meristem of cork.

4. Xylem is monarch to hexarch.

5. Xylem strands in many dicots extend towards the centre and form a star shaped solid core of xylem.

6. Pith is either small or absent.

7. Intra- and extrastelar secondary growth occur with the help of wavy vascular cambium and phellogen respectively.

8. Fibres are present in primary phloem elements (ex. Malvaceae, Papilionaceae etc.).

Difference # Monocotyledonous Root:

1. Epiblema is uniseriate or multiseriate (ex. velamen of orchid root).

2. Cortex consists of parenchyma and in some cases sclerenchyma (e.g. stilt root of Maize) or collenchyma cells (e.g. Monstera) occur in addition to parenchyma.

3. Pericycle undergoes sclerification.

4. Xylem is polyarch.

5. The xylem strands do not approach towards the centre of vascular cylinder.

6. Large and well-developed pith occurs at the centre.

7. As there is no cambium there occurs no normal secondary growth.

8. Fibres are usually lacking in phloem.

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