The following points highlight the three major diseases of proso millet. The diseases are: 1. Head Smut 2. Grain Smut 3. Leaf Spot.

Proso Millet: Disease # 1. Head Smut:

This disease is widely distributed in Europe and Asia. It is known to be caused by Sporisorium destruens (Schlechtend) K. Vanky (Syn. Sphacelotheca destruens). Smut sori first become evident as the panicles emerge.

The entire inflorescence is modified into a sorus enclosed by a grayish-white false membrane. The membrane ruptures as the plants mature, exposing the dark-brown spore mass and the vascular tissues of the smutted panicle.


Since, the disease is externally seed borne, only fungicidal seed treatment is effective. Sharma and Sugha (1991) found Carboxin and Benomyl to give control of smut reducing the incidence by 99% and increasing the yield by 136%.

Proso Millet: Disease # 2. Grain Smut:

The disease is caused by Sphacelotheca sorghi (Ustilago crameri). The disease is also known as covered or kernel smut. Most of the grains are transformed into white grayish sacs (smut sori). The sori are slightly pointed to oval and filled with black powder (chlaymydospores).


The pathogen perpetuates through contaminated seeds and can be managed by seed treatment, early collection and burning of diseased ears on appearance and crop rotation for 2-3 years.

Proso Millet: Disease # 3. Leaf Spot:

Leaf spot caused by Bipolaris panici-miliacei (Syn. Helminthosporium panici-miliacei) is a seed transmitted disease. Seed infection causes seed rotting, coleoptile spot and seedling blight.


Growing resistant varieties such as RAUM 7 is recommended.

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