Tag Archives | Plant Pathology

List of Plant Diseases (With Control Measures) | Plant Pathology

Here is a list of fifteen major plant diseases with their control measures. 1. Tip Burn of Paddy or Pansukh of Rice: The names, tip burn, dakhitla, chatra, ukra, kadamoraor pansukh, have been given tea leaf-drying disease of rice known in India for quite some time. It has been described by Dastur (1937) and Mishra and Chakravarty (1955). Symptoms or [...]

By |2018-05-25T05:56:58+00:00May 25, 2018|Plant Diseases|Comments Off on List of Plant Diseases (With Control Measures) | Plant Pathology

Nematodes: Symptoms, Injury to Plants, Characteristics and Life Cycle| Parasites

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Nematodes 2. Symptoms Caused by Nematodes 3. Mechanism of Nematode Injury to Plants 4. Interrelationship between Nematodes and Other Plant Pathogens 5. Ecology and Spread 6. Characteristics 7. Life Cycle. Contents: Introduction to Nematodes Symptoms Caused by Nematodes Mechanism of Nematode Injury to Plants Interrelationship between Nematodes and Other Plant [...]

By |2018-05-25T05:56:58+00:00May 25, 2018|Nematodes|Comments Off on Nematodes: Symptoms, Injury to Plants, Characteristics and Life Cycle| Parasites

How to Control Nematode: Chemical, Physical and Biological Control

How to Control Nematode: Chemical,  Physical and Biological Control? Many accounts have been published of the attempts to control plant nematodes in different countries and climates. These are discussed in brief here: Chemical Control: Chemicals with nematocidal properties are known as nematocides. Many such chemicals are recommended for nematode control. Nematocides are diverse in their chemical and biological activities and [...]

By |2018-05-25T05:56:58+00:00May 25, 2018|Nematodes|Comments Off on How to Control Nematode: Chemical, Physical and Biological Control
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