The following points highlight the top fourteen characteristics of an angiospermic plant. The characteristics are: 1. Habitat 2. Habit 3. 3. Root 4. Stem 5. Leaf 6. Inflorescence 7. Flower 8. Calyx 9. Corolla 10. Androecium 11. Gynoecium 12. Fruit 13. Seed 14. Floral Formula.

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 1. Habitat:

The natural abode or locality of plant, i.e., whether cultivated as an ornamental plant, a food crop or occurs in a wild state.

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 2. Habit:

(a) Herb, undershrub, shrub or tree.

(b) Annual, biennial or perennial.

(c) Any special feature, e.g., parasite, epiphyte, mesophyte, xerophyte or hydrophyte.

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 3. Root:

(a) Tap or adventitious.

(b) Branched or un-branched.

(c) Any special modification, i.e., fibrous, prop, stilt, aerial, climbing, respiratory, tuberous, parasitic, conical, fusiform, napiform, fasciculated, beeded, nodulated, etc.

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 4. Stem:

(a) Nature of stem, i.e., erect, prostrate, twining or climbing; if climbing, write mode of climbing whether by leaf tendrils, leaflet tendrils, stem tendrils or stipular tendrils or by hooks or some other means.

(b) Any special modification, i.e., rhizome, bulb, corm, tuber, offset, stolon, runner, sucker, phylloclade, etc.

(c) Branched or un-branched. If branched, write the mode of branching, i.e., whether racemose or cymose. If cymose, whether uniparous or multiparous.

(d) Texture, i.e., herbaceous.

(e) Solid or fistular.

(f) Cylindrical (terete), angular flattened or reduced.

(g) Hairy, glabrous, waxy or spiny.

(h) Colour. Whether green, grey, etc.

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 5. Leaf:

(a) Insertion. Radical, cauline or ramal.

(b) Arrangement. Alternate, opposite or whorled (verticillate). If opposite, whether superposed or decussate.

(c) Petiolate, sessile or subsessile.

(d) Stipulate or exstipulate. If stipulate, describe the nature of stipules, i.e., leafy (foliaceous), spiny, tendrillar, petiolar, etc.

(e) Leaf base. Sheathing connate or ligulate or amplexicaul.

(f) Kind. Simple or compound.

(g) If simple, write about form of lamina, i.e., acicular, linear, lanceolate, oval, ovate, obovate, cordate, obcordate, spathulate, orbicular, rotund, reniform, sagittate, hastate, lyrate, etc.

(h) If compound, whether pmnate or palmate, paripinnate, imparipinnate, bifoliate, trifoliate, etc.

(i) Incision of lamina. Pinnatified or palmatified, pinnatisect or palmatisect.

(j) Margin of lamina. Entire, denate, serrate, hairy, spiny, convolute, etc.

(k) Apex, Acute, obtuse, acuminate, emarginate, truncate, mucronate, cuspidate, etc.

(l) Surface. Hairy, glaucous, spiny.

(m) Venation. Reticulate or parallel, unicostate or multicostate.

(n) Texture. Coriaceous, fleshy, succulent, etc.

(o) Colour. Green or pigmented.


In a compound leaf, the leaflets should be described in the manner as a simple leaf.

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 6. Inflorescence:

Simple mixed, compound and special. If simple, racemose or cymose. If racemose, whether raceme, corymb, spike, catkin, spadix, umbel, hypanthodium, capitulum, etc. If cymose, uniparous, biparous or multiparous cyme, helicoid or scorpioid, or solitary axillary.

Compound and mixed, compound spike, compound umbel, compound corymb, spike of spikelet’s, panicle and panicle of spikelet’s, etc. Special verticillaster, cyathium, etc.

Symmetry of flower

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 7. Flower:

(a) Pedicellate or sessile.

(b) Bracteate or ebracteate; if bracteate, the nature of the bract should be described.

(c) Actinomorphic or zygomorphic.

(d) Unisexual or hermaphrodite (bisexual).

(e) Complete or incomplete.

(f) Regular or irregular.

(g) Hypogynous, perigynous or epigynous.

(h) Colour of the flowers.

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 8. Calyx:

(a) Number of sepals.

(b) Polysepalous or gamosepaious. If polysepalous, describe the nature and form of sepals, i.e., deciduous, caducous, persistent, etc. If gamosepaious, give special forms, e.g., tubular, campanulate, bilabiate, etc.

(c) Sepaloid (green) or petaloid (coloured).

(d) Inferior or superior.

(e) Aestivation of the calyx, e.g., imbricate, valvate, quincuntial, etc.

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 9. Corolla:

(a) Number of petals.

(b) Poly or gamopetalous, if polypetalous, one should describe the form and nature of petals, i.e., rosaceous, papilionaceous, etc. If gamopetalous, give special form, e.g., campanulate, tubular, bilabiate, spurred, ligulate, etc.

(c) Colour of the petals.

(d) Inferior or superior.

(e) Aestivation of the corolla.

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 10. Androecium:

(a) Number of stamens; 1 to 10 or indefinite.

(b) Free or fused; if fused, adelphous or syngenesious; if adelphous, mono, di or polyadelphous. If free, any special form, e.g., didynamous, tetradynamous, etc.

(c) Epipetalous, epiphyllous or free from petals or tepals.

(d) Filament long, short or flattened.

(e) Fixation of anthers. Adnate, basifixed, dorsifixed or versatile.

(f) Anthers. Monothecous or dithecous (single-celled or bicelled).

(g) Dehiscence of anthers. Longitudinal, transverse, porous, extrorse, introrse.

(h) Colour of the anthers.

(i) Sometimes stamens represented by staminodes.

A. relation of a flower to the mother axis; B, it shows anteroposterior, lateral and diagonal planes of the flower

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 11. Gynoecium:

(a) Number of carpels.

(b) Apocarpous or syncarpous.

(c) Ovary superior or inferior.

(d) Number of loculi.

(e) Number of ovules in each loculus.

(f) Placentation. Marginal, parietal, axile, free central, basal, superficial, etc.

(g) Nature of style, i.e., short, slender, terminal, divided, etc.

(h) Nature of stigma, i.e., simple or lobed, feathery, bearded, hairy, capitate, curved, etc.

(i) Any disc present below the ovary should be described. Floral diagram of polypetalous

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 12. Fruit:

Whether it is simple, aggregate, multiple; pod, legume, follicle, lomentum, capsule, siliqua, silicula, achene, cypsela, cremocarp, caryopsis, samara, nut, pome, drupe, berry, carcerule, hesperidium, etaerio of achenes, drupes, follicles or berries, sorosis, syconus.

Various symbols used in writing a floral formula and floral diagram

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 13. Seed:

(a) Albuminous or exalbuminous.

(b) Single or two cotyledons.

(c) Position, shape and size of the embroyo.

(d) Cotyledons straight or curved.

Angiospermic Plant: Characteristic # 14. Floral Formula:

The floral formula must be given in the end of plant description, e.g.,


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