A brief comparison of pre-breeding and traditional breeding is presented below.

Comparison # 1. Pre-Breeding:

1. Pre-breeding is also known as genetic enhancement.

2. It leads to genetic enhancement of germplasm.

3. It leads to value addition.

4. It leads to broadening the genetic base of the population.

5. The chief breeding method id backcross method.

6. The end products are improved germplasm line.

7. The end product is used as parent for developing improved cultivar, hybrid.

8. It involves adapted and non-adapted genotypes in crossing programme.

9. It is a long term breeding programme.

10. It is taken up by public sector plant breeding organizations.

Comparison # 2. Traditional Breeding:

1. Traditional breeding is also known as sustainable plant breeding.

2. It leads to development of productive cultivars/hybrids.

3. It does not lead to value addition.

4. In improved cultivars the genetic base becomes narrow.

5. All breeding methods such as introduction, selection, hybridization and mutation are used.

6. The end product is cultivar or hybrid.

7. The end product is used for commercial cultivation.

8. It includes only adapted genotype

9. It is a short or medium term breeding programme.

10. It is taken up by both public and private sector organizations.

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