In this article we will discuss about the features of adaptive immune responses.

1. Specificity:

It ensures that distinct microbes elicit specific responses. It exists because indi­vidual lymphocyte expresses membrane receptors that are able to distinguish subtle differences in structure between different antigens.

2. Diversity:

It enables immune system to respond to a large variety of microbes. The total no. of antigenic specificities of the lym­phocyte in an individual, called lymphocyte repertoire, is extremely large. The mamma­lian immune system can discriminate 109-1011 distinct antigenic determinants.

This property of lymphocyte repertoire is called diversity. It is the result of variability in the structures of the antigen binding sites of lymphocyte receptors for antigen.

3. Memory:

Leads to enhanced responses to repeated exposures to the same microbe.

4. Specialisation:

Generate responses that are optimal for defense against different types of microbes.

5. Self-limitation:

Allows immune system to respond to newly encountered microbes.

6. Non-reactivity to self:

Prevents injury to the host during responses to microbes.

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