Get the answer of: What are the measurements in eugenics, euthenics and euphonic, and which should be considered for the betterment and improvement of future human generations?

The following points are the answers to this question and must be taken into account:

A. Eugenic Measurements:

The measurements taken for the improve­ment of the human race before birth.

The measurements of eugenics are categorized into two major heads:

1. Negative Eugenics or Restrictive Approach:

The prima facie of the approach is that the right of living for defectives does not mean the right of reproduction.

The following measure­ments should be taken into account carefully to implement the negative eugenics properly:

(a) Control of immigration strictly by for­mulating the appropriate laws and their prop­er implication.

(b) Formulation and application of dis­criminating marriage laws which can prohibit the consanguineous marriages.

(c) Social and lawful sexual separation of the defective human beings to inhibit the inheritance of their genome into the popula­tion. This can be done by sterilization, termi­nation of pregnancy etc.

(d) Before bearing a child by any couple, genetic counseling must be made and regar­ding this a meaningful law should be formu­lated.

2. Positive Eugenics or Construc­tive Approach:

The human with a good genomic set-up must be encouraged to disseminate his genome as far as possible and good germplasm should be conserved and pre­served for the future benefit of the human race.

Following measurements should be con­sidered and implemented carefully to improve the human race genetically:

(a) Formulation of rules regarding the selection of mate for marriage.

(b) Fundamental knowledge of genetics and heredity should be given from the school level.

(c) Special care should be taken to remove all the social hindrance, either by for­mulating the laws or by voluntary organiza­tion.

(d) Preservation of good germplasm by establishing the sperm and ovum bank.

(e) Human genetics research should be promoted by creating more funds by all nations.

B. Euthenics Measurements:

Apart from genetics, environment has a profound role on the development of human traits as it has been proved that identical twins (having the same genomic set-up) will develop differential traits if they are nurtured in diffe­rent environmental conditions.

Therefore, fol­lowing euthenics measurement should be con­sidered carefully:

(a) All the children, irrespective of their sex, should be provided good environmental conditions for the development of their traits at the optimum level.

(b) Basic knowledge of hygiene and also the importance of good health should be dis­cussed publicly to make them conscious.

C. Euphonic Measurements:

The measurements under this heading includes the methods of symptomatic treat­ments and diagnosis of different genetic dis­eases of man.

The following points should be taken into account carefully before going to the symp­tomatic treatment:

(i) Prenatal and post-natal diagnosis of genetic diseases must be done either by amniocentesis or by karyotype judgement through a well-trained geneticist and in a sophisticated labo­ratory.

(ii) In case of persons with inborn errors of metabolism, he/she should intake the missing enzymes. In this regard different immunological problems should be considered carefully because supplemented enzymes may act as an antigen.

(iii) Thalassaemics and patients with genetic anaemia should be treated carefully; and special consideration must be given in the suppression of synthesis of abnormal haemoglobin chain at the earliest time as far as practicable.

(iv) In case of patients with inborn errors of metabolism, advice should be taken from a well-educated dietician regar­ding their proper diet.

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