In this article we will discuss about the role of different organs in carbohydrate metabolism. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Role of Pancreas 2. Role of Adrenal Cortex 3. Role of Adrenal Medulla 4. Role of Thyroid Gland 5. Role of Adenohypophysis.

1. Role of Pancreas in Carbohydrate Metabolism:

Pancreas plays essential role in carbohydrate metabolism α and β cells of endocrine pan­creas secrete glucagon and insulin respec­tively which are antagonistic in actions. In well fed stage sugar molecules stimu­late β-cells for secretion of insulin; in-turn insulin lowers the blood glucose level through glycogenesis.

In fasting condition, lower blood glucose level stimulates α-cells for secretion of glu­cagon hormone which increases the blood sugar level by glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.

2. Role of Adrenal Cortex in Carbohydrate Metabolism:

Hormone glucocorticoid (Cortisol) involves in carbohydrate metabolism very effectively.

Different roles are given below:

1. Decreased glucose utilization:

The blood glucose concentration is raised due to increased rate of gluconeogen­esis. The enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase catalyses this reaction in liver and thus blood glucose level is increased.

2. Protein breakdown:

It enhances protein breakdown to the formation of free amino acids which in turn is involved in gluco­neogenesis.

3. Anti-insulin effect:

It shows anti-insulin effect to the peripheral tissue by inhibit­ing uptake of glucose.

3. Role of Adrenal Medulla in Carbohydrate Metabolism:

Hormone epinephrine and norepinephrine are involved in carbohydrate metabolism in following ways:

1. Raise blood sugar level by promoting gly­cogenolysis in liver.

2. Promotes gluconeogenesis from blood lactic acid in muscles.

3. Epinephrine inhibits insulin secretion but on other hand stimulates glucagon secre­tion.

4. Epinephrine acts as inducer for synthe­sis of gluconeogenic enzymes like pyru­vate carboxylase, FD Pase, G-6-phosphatase.

4. Role of Thyroid Gland in Carbohydrate Metabolism:

T3 and T4 hormones involve in carbohydrate metabolism by following ways:

1. Thyroid hormone enhances intestinal ab­sorption of glucose.

2. Enhances gluconeogenesis in liver.

3. Stimulates glycogenolysis in liver.

4. May cause the breakdown of insulin.

5. Role of Adenohypophysis in Carbohydrate Metabolism:

The growth hormone STH is also involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Its actions are as follows:

1. Elevates blood glucose level by enhanc­ing the release of glucose from liver gly­cogen i.e., glycogenolysis.

2. It reduces glucose uptake in muscle.

3. It increases the number of α-cells in is­lets of pancreas.
