Let us learn about Disorders of the Parathyroid Hormone.

Due to Hypo Secretion of PTH:


This disease is caused in man due to hypo secretion of PTH. It is more severe in young than older persons and also severe in pregnant condition.

The characteristic fea­tures of this disease are:

(i) Morphological features:

1. Carpal spasm or Trousseau’s sign is one of the flexion at the wrist or meta-phalangeal joints (Fig. 12.13).

Trousseau's Sign

2. Pedal spasm is the flexion at the ankle or metatarsal joints.

3. Osteoporosis and osteomalacia oc­cur.

4. Dental lesions occur, defects in enamel formation and growth of root.

(ii) Physiological features:

1. Salivation is increased.

2. Increased the rate of excretion of cal­cium and phosphorus.

3. Causes hypocalcemia by the defi­ciency of vit. D3.

4. Reduced intestinal uptake of Ca++.

5. Heart rate is increased.

6. Respiration becomes noisy and rapid due to respiratory muscular spasm.

7. Convulsions are most serious effect.

(iii) Psychological features:

1. Irritability, anxiety and depression occur.

2. Shows mental retardation.

Due to Hyper Secretion of PTH:

Over secretion of PTH, shows the following clinical features:

(i) Anatomical features:

1. General weakness in the body.

2. Bones becomes fragile.

3. Formation of cysts and stones in kid­ney.

4. Loss of muscular tone.

(ii) Physiological features:

1. Renal calcium level is increased due to increased glomerular filtration of Ca++.

2. Development of polyuria due to dam­age of renal tubule.

3. Loss of appetite.

4. Nausea and vomiting occurs.

5. Reduce intestinal Ca++ uptake.

6. Demineralization of bones.

Special notes:

Laryngismus stridulous:

Due to hypo secretion of PTH, spasm occurs in laryngeal muscles and may cause asphyxia.