In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Linkage of Gene 2. Linkage Groups 3. Complete 4. Incomplete.

Introduction to Linkage of Gene:

Morgan (1910) noted similar behaviour in Drosophila melanogaster (Fig. 8.2) and recorded that coupling and repulsion are two aspects of a single phenomenon called linkage. Morgan was the first to relate linkage to the segregation of homologous chromosomes and the occurrence of crossing over between homologous chromosomes during meiosis.

His group noted numerous here­ditary characteristics which were associated toge­ther in groups. It was suggested that the tendency of linked genes to remain in original combinations was due to their occurrence in the same chromosome.

The strength of linkage can be determined by the distance between two genes, i.e., greater the distance, lower will be the linkage strength. The linkage is broken down by the process of crossing over occurring during meiosis.

Morgan’s Conclusions:

Morgan concluded that:

1. Genes located in the same chromosome tend to stay together during inheritance, this tendency is called linkage;

2. Genes are arranged in a linear fashion in the chromosomes;

3. The linkage is broken down by the pro­cess of crossing over occurring during meiosis;

4. The intensity of linkage between two genes is inversely related to the distance between them in the chromosome;

5. Coupling and repulsion phases are two aspects of linkage.

Linkage in Drosophila

Linkage Groups:

The genes of a species may be divided into linkage groups. The mem­bers of a linkage group show linkage to each other. In genetically well studied species, the number of linkage groups is equal to the number- of chromosome pairs (the haploid number of chromosomes) which the species possess.

In an organism, the nuclear linkage groups have not been shown to exceed the haploid number. Although in organisms where genetic data are more difficult to obtain, the number of presently known linkage group is less than the haploid number of chromosomes.

Complete Linkage of Gene:

When genes are so closely associated that they are always trans­mitted together, do not undergo crossing over, linkage between them is considered complete. For example, the genes for bent wings and shaven bristle of the IVth chromosome of Drosophila exhibit complete linkage (Fig. 8.3).

The almost complete absence of independent assortment between these two gene pairs is the evidence of a very strong linkage between them.

Linkage in Drosophila

Incomplete Linkage of Gene:

Complete linkage between genes on the same chromosome is rare. As a rule, linkage is not complete, and the gene pairs in most linkage groups, assort at least par­tially independent of each other. Linkage is a physical relationship between genes and can be modified by a physical crossing over during meiosis between gene pairs on homologous chro­mosomes.

This phenomenon of incomplete link­age has been studied in female Drosophila and various other animals as well as in maize (Fig. 8.4), tomato and a large number of crop species.

Linkage in Maize

Thus the results of independent assortment, complete linkage and incomplete linkage are different (Fig. 8.5).

Consequences of Two Pairs of Genes