The following points highlight the top five criteria for genetic polymorphism. They are: 1. Selection 2. Mutation and Mutation Rates 3. Genetic Drift 4. Migration Pressure or Gene Flow 5. Meiotic Drive.

Criteria # 1. Selection:

Selection is the non-random or selective reproduction of genotypes. The elu­cidation of the selective forces which may have given rise to any particular poly­morphism is turning out to be among the most difficult and intractable problems in human genetics.

Criteria # 2. Mutation and Mutation Rates:

Mutations are thought to occur more or less at random but if it occur in “one-way” i.e. change from one allele to another then it pro­duces alterations in the frequency of a particu­lar allele in a population. This is known as mutation pressure or genetic load.

Criteria # 3. Genetic Drift:

If the allele frequencies fluctuate randomly due to the inbreeding in a small population, then all loci will be represented by two or more alleles and the direction and magnitude of the effect will be dependent on a chance factor.

In a small bree­ding population, the new allele will on average be transmitted to only half the children of the individual who first receives it, and a distinct chance that it will not be transmitted to the next generation; the odds in favour of its being lost by chance are compounded in successive generations.

Criteria # 4. Migration Pressure or Gene Flow:

It will not be surprising that allele frequencies may be altered in local populations of a species by an exchange of alleles with other local populations. Migration of species is the major source of the gene flow.

Criteria # 5. Meiotic Drive:

Any irregularities during the time of meiosis may also alter the allele frequencies in a population, but it is most important point which is to be remembered that most of these irregularities have been sporadic and non-hereditary.

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