The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
Difference # Prokaryotes:
1. Number of replicon or origin is one.
2. When circular DNA is copied, replication begins at a single point and the replication forks move around the circle, a structure shaped like the Greek letter theta (Ө).
3. The length of RNA primer is more or less 50 nucleotides.
4. The length of Okazaki fragments of lagging strand is more or less 1,000-2,000 nucleotide.
5. Replication fork progresses slowly, i.e., at a speed of 500 nucleotide per seconds.
Difference # Eukaryotes:
1. Number of replication is more the one, even thousand and developmentally regulated.
2. Replication forks proceed in opposite directions from each origin until they reach the terminal point at which they meet the neighboring replicon.
3. The length of RNA primer is nine nucleotide.
4. The length of Okazaki fragment is 20 nucleotide.
5. Each replication fork progresses at the speed of 50 nucleotide.